Saya angkat tangan. Hai. Saya mengalaminya 6 bulan. Thats a long story.
Saya masuk S3 tahun 2016 bulan Oktober dengan beasiswa dosen dari LPDP (Beasiswa Unggulan Dosen Indon...
Hai, saya Lintang dari Lapakninja-com
Sebenarnya pertanyaannya bukan website apa yang mampu menghasilkan uang, tapi bagaimana kita bisa menghasilkan uang lewat website. Kena...
Halooo~ Saya mau jawab. Hehe.
Saya langganan Sbucks di dekat rumah. Bukan di mall, tapi di rest area jalan tol—rumah saya di dekat jalan tol, memang.
Saya punya tumbler-nya juga.
Karena orang Indonesia yang banyak itu gak sekaya kamu
Saya udah sering cerita ini di Quora dan udah banyak Quoran lain juga yang sosialisasi tentang ini. Di Twitter juga ba...
Beberapa cara yang bisa menghasilkan dari IG:
Pasti sudah sering lihat di Instagra...
Di bawah ini saya sajikan beberapa foto. Saya lahir di Uni Sovyet, jadi saya masih ingat 😊
1. Iklan seksi mobol Moskvich terbaru. Kakek saya dapat model yang sama! Di Uni So...
Sebelumnya mungkin jawaban saya terdengar sensitif dan pahit.
Jadi begini, alasan mengapa warga yang tinggal di pemukiman padat dengan rumah yang berukuran sederhana dan aks...
Youtube Golden Play Button diberikan untuk channel YouTube yang telah mencapai atau melampaui 1 juta subscriber. Pada bulan Maret 2018, tampilan YouTube Golden Play Button ...
Telegram memiliki berbagai channel terbaik untuk pengguna. Berikut ini rekomendasi channel terbaik dari Telegram yang bisa kalian ikuti.
Telegram adalah salah satu media sos...
Untuk informasi :
Here's why you're not getting orders on Fiverr:
Difficulty with English: If I'm a native English speaker, I'm just not going to hire you for anything that requires English a...
He is exhibiting a behavior called resource guarding. He is letting you know that this is HIS bed. When he growls, you say loudly and firmly "NO", then put him on the floor...
Yes. Everything has an end in this world. That is the teaching of Buddha. So it is better to not to attached to anything too much. If you get attached to something even for...
I built my first PC in 1996. Prices in January of that year were insane. A Pentium 133 was retailing for $999. 8MB of RAM was $399.
Then in the spring AMD released some very...
Contact customer support team immediately and try to know the reason behind your suspension. They try to follow their instructions. If it is hard to follow their rules, the...
Okay, this is covered in the books, but I'm guessing that you are more familiar with the films. (Something the films FAILED to do properly)
He CAN'T. He physically...
No. Genetically Thais are 3–23% Indian/Australoid ( from Negrito females and Indian male/female migrants) , 0–15% Chinese ( from Chinese male migrants), 65–79% indigenous S...
TW: mentions of suicide and gore in titles of these movies
In my opinion? No. I made it through the entire movie (uncut) without flinching (do with that information what you...
In the short term I'm sure that at dinner parties in Santa Barbara there will be a slew of Robin Diangelo clones telling them how 'brave' they've been in the face of horrif...
I cannot say for other Chinese Indonesians, but I can say what my parents and I feel.
My legal name is actually a Chinese (Cantonese) given name, plus a desinicized Chinese ...
🍋 ...