Wednesday, February 5, 2020

[Rush Limbaugh] New comment on Vice President Mike Pence slams Pelosi for tearing....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post "Vice President Mike Pence slams Pelosi for tearing...":

Charlie Dent: The State of the Union was an undignified spectacle

In his State of the Union address, President Donald Trump made an effective case for his policies that have contributed to a strong, robust economy, while at the same time throwing out plenty of red meat to his base on immigration, socialism, abortion, sanctuary cities, the Second Amendment and other issues.

What struck me most of all, however, was the smallness and pettiness of the evening, starting with Trump ignoring House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's outstretched hand and ending with her tearing up the President's speech. Bad form on both counts.

The lines meant to incite never-ending applause and cheers from Republicans -- and consequentially jeers from Democrats -- added nothing of value to the spectacle. The inappropriateness of Republicans chanting "four more years" and Democrats scoffing and booing detracted significantly from what should be a dignified proceeding attended by the nation's highest officials from the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, the most high ranking uniformed members of the armed services and other distinguished guests.

The whole event felt more like a political rally than a sober assessment of the State of the Union, or more aptly, disunion. Yes, Trump stuck to the script and presented his case well. There were heart-warming moments and heroics in the stories of Americans seated in the gallery. Still, it feels like America deserves better.

Setting aside one's feelings for or against Rush Limbaugh as he battles with lung cancer, was it really necessary to award him the Presidential Medal of Freedom during the address? Of course not. The act was intended to be divisive and incendiary. Can you imagine if former President Barack Obama had done the same thing for Rachel Maddow or George Soros? The lid would have blown off the Capitol.

There once was a time when presidents simply sent their addresses on paper to Congress -- no speech or theatrics necessary. Maybe the State of the Union address has outlived its usefulness just like the Iowa caucuses.

The next president might just want to mail it in.

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Posted by Erin Burnett to Rush Limbaugh at February 5, 2020 at 1:33 PM

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