Friday, May 22, 2020

[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Schumer compares Mitch McConnell to Herbert Hoover....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post "Schumer compares Mitch McConnell to Herbert Hoover...":

Chuck Schumer: It's 'reckless' for Trump to say publicly he takes hydroxychloroquine

In an appearance on ABC's "The View," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D.-NY, called President Trump "reckless" for announcing he is taking the drug hydroxychloroquine to prevent a coronavirus infection.

"If there were people watching, in particularly, people who might like him and listen to him and they have the illness and instead of going to the doctor and getting the proper care, they took hydroxychloroquine, that could hurt their recovery, and even worse, the FDA, our federal agency has said hydroxychloroquine, particularly in older people can cause heart arrhythmia, strokes and other things likes that," Schumer told The View's Sunny Hostin in a wide-ranging interview that touched on tensions on Capitol Hill, the disparate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color and mail-in-voting, among other topics.

The FDA last month specifically warned against taking hydroxychloroquine "outside of a hospital setting or a clinical trial due to risk of heart rhythm problems."

President Trump said he asked the White House doctor if he could take the unproven treatment despite having no symptoms, adding he's been taking a pill a day for about a week and a half.

"I'm still fine," he said, referring to possible dangerous side effects.

As the search for a treatment and vaccine goes on, all 50 states across America have taken steps to re-open, but Schumer warned against moving too fast.

"I understand the anguish of people who want to get back. I understand people who are out of work and want to get to work," Schumer said. "But people have to understand that if we move too quickly, this could come back. Dr. Fauci himself said it. This could come back with a vengeance and be even worse than it was the first time around. So you have to have a balance."

In recent days, Schumer has frequently taken to the Senate floor to criticize Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for not taking up more emergency coronavirus aid legislation.

"He's in an alternative universe, unfortunately," Schumer said of McConnell on Thursday. "When you look at the TV stations and the news and you see miles of people lined up in cars to go to food pantries and the news media interviews them and they say, I've never had to do this before, but I need to feed my family."

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Posted by Erin Burnett to Trang Ánh Nam at May 22, 2020 at 2:27 PM

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