Trang Ánh Nam has left a new comment on your post "Meghan McCain bashes Daily Beast for headline sugg...":
Meghan's time on 'The View'
McCain was only a guest host when she started on the show in 2008. She came back to guest host again in 2010. It wasn't until 2017 that she was brought on full-time. Since coming into her full-time position, she and Joy Behar have constantly been at odds.
But despite her uncomfortable fights with Behar, McCain says the two of them actually get along.
"It really hurts my feelings!" McCain said in an interview of the rumors that she and Behar are always feuding. "It genuinely hurts my feelings because our dressing rooms are next door to each other and you and I have the same emotional reaction to things — sometimes in different ways — but we're both upset equally, the equal amount of the same things. And I wish people would give us a break, for real."
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Posted by Trang Ánh Nam to Trang Ánh Nam at August 9, 2020 at 7:51 PM
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