I've got one, and I don't like to see myself as someone cruel, so my answer would be a "no". Let's see why now.
A correctly set up, properly stocked and well maintained aqu...
This is a crude metaphor, but think of antibodies as "wanted" posters.
An antibody identifies a target to your immune cells. It doesn't necessarily harm the pathogen at all;...
The sincerity of the question is suspicious, because the question is flawed in both dimensions!
There are plenty of species in which telomeres of most or all cell types do not shorten. It's no big deal for them. They tend to have better regeneration, and they don't re...
I am currently a medical intern in China, Nanjing city. Here is how the situation have evolved medically and regulatorily:
Ah! I love this question.
Why are people losing interest in Bitcoin?
That assumes people haven't already lost interest. Check out the Google trends data for the past two years:
Biology really, truly is awful to try to get crystal definitions for.
Give me any definition of living and I can assure you I can find an example that is either something yo...
Let's suppose you are young, no pre-existing health conditions, fit, healthy, and you want to do this*. One central question is, can you be reinfected?
There is a widely-cir...
Why does Greek sound Arabic?
I can think of very few languages that sound less like Arabic than Greek does, and by asking this asinine troll question, you demonstrate that y...
Sharks are often viewed as one of the ocean's top apex predators, but despite this rather prestigious classification, there's one marine animal that most sharks prefer to a...
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