Miriam Oceans, Registered Nurse • Answered April 30, 2020
INFJs are always portrayed as the good rare guys by the media and the MBTI test. But the thing is they never include the bad side of each personality. If you take a moment ...
Patrick Tay, Comms and Media Lecturer | People Developer | Writer • Updated December 29, 2020
Frankly, it is not easy to meet an INFP.
It is challenging enough to meet introverts who are homely but for INFPs, they have an additional predilection to make full use of t...
Nathaniel Brown, International Teacher in Shanghai & Computer Programmer • Updated June 8
I seriously recommend you watch this movie:
Warning: The clip below may not be safe for work and has swearing in it:
Jack Ma basically gave...
Claudia Luna, BSW Human Services, University of Northern Colorado (2020) • Answered March 1
I have two close INTJ friends so this will be fun.
Laura Kristan Wilhelm, Self-employed at LauraWil Intercultural (2009-present) • Updated May 11
INTPs are often impractical underachievers. They will go into huge amounts of educational debt and take many incompletes in their classes, then get low-wage jobs at booksto...
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