Manny Cabrera, B.A. Psychology, City College of New York • Updated April 7, 2020
INTJ: epistemophile - a lover of knowledge.
INFJ: philanthropist - a lover of mankind.
INTP: philomath - a lover of learning and studying.
INFP: logophile - a lover of words....
Isa • Answered January 30
ok i just found a picture of him nowadays that scared the shit out of me-
i was like oh sh— i just- i dont want to get in his way when hes mad. dis man is dangerous asf 😬 h...
Ben Boyarko, trauma therapist in training • Answered June 15
Especially as children, one "unusual" side effect of being very intelligent is laziness.
Very smart people learn quickly, and one of the things they learn is that t...
Harry • Answered May 11
(This is all from personal experience)
I live with my best friend (an INTJ) and yes, I would say they are cool.
INTJs are quite witty, very intellegent, can destroy an entire...
Mia Shinbrot, Have been poor and have been not-poor (never rich) • Answered June 15
Almost everyone here has said, "Try to find out why she's crying." A lot of the commenters suggest giving the 12-year-old a hug instead of punishing her. Unfortunately, I s...
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