America's GUN CLUB • 3.4K followers
Let's talk about GUNS! Say ANYTHING!
Xiao Wáng, Student at Schools (2011-present)
Answered October 16
Hello, Australian here.
The only guns we have here for civilians are Bolt/lever actions rifles/shotguns. No semi autos, no pump action shotguns and you can forget handguns (...
Stephen Binion, Truck Driver, USMC vet, Guard Cavalryman Retired
Answered August 19
To what point? Did the gun ban stop Shinzo Abe from being murdered by a gunman? No it did not.
Japan has a fairly homogeneous population that tends not to kill one another. ...
AnatomyStuff Canine Internal Anatomy Chart (18 x 24 inches) - Amazon 1922 Antique Veterinary Horse Anatomy Print. Horse identification c...