Register for this free online workshop on 25th January at 10 am GMT/ 11 am CET to get a comprehensive introduction to understanding and working with logs in New Relic. Explore the different ways to bring your log data to New Relic, work with the fast and easy-to-use UI, and learn how to parse, filter, or drop logs to match your needs. We will also be showcasing our newest release 'Logs Live Archives'. The workshop will demo how to manage compliance risks and comply with regulatory requirements while showcasing the way you handle long-term log storage and analysis, streamlining the process into a few simple steps. With hands-on labs in a sandbox environment, you'll get to: - Search log data with ease and speed.
- Work with partitions and AI log patterns.
- Logs live Archives demo
- Use logs to troubleshoot errors in applications and trace data.
- Create charts and dashboards to share with teams.
- Set up alert conditions for problems you want to prevent.